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Mary Burney


Every little village and town you go by on a train or in a car – you can see a church. Churches were built to be the tallest building in a town; to stand out and to make people feel humbled by all the beauty inside these churches.

And WOW – the churches I saw are simply beautiful. A friend we met on the train told us that not a large part of the population are church goers; probably due to the fact that during the communist era, people were prosecuted for their religion. She told us the thought of going to church, having a sense of belonging to a church is very foreign to her. Sad!

A few of the churches I visited.

The Metropolitan Cathedral of Saints Vitus, Wenceslaus and Adalbert is a Roman Catholic metropolitan cathedral in Prague, the seat of the Archbishop of Prague. Until 1997, the cathedral was dedicated only to Saint Vitus, and is still commonly named only as St. Vitus Cathedral.

BASILICA OF THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY is located at the Strahov Monastery, on top of a hill which overlooks Prague.

Hungarian Church


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